+4 votes
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A flying car the size of a folded-up ping pong table and capable of speeds of up to 160mph has 

A flying car the size of a folded-up ping pong table and capable of speeds of up to 160mph has completed its first untethered flight. The ZERO aircraft, made by US company ZEVA, is entirely electric, meaning it produces no emissions. It’s “not for the faint-hearted”, says The Times. Once airborne, the ZERO turns on its side and flies horizontally, like a frisbee, with the sole passenger “in a prone position” facing the ground. The firm is planning to start taking $5,000 deposits in the spring, and the total price is expected to be $250,000. completed its first untethered flight. The ZERO aircraft, made by US compan(

y ZEVA, is entirely electric, meaning it produces no emissions. It’s “not for the faint-hearted”, says The Times. Once airborne, the ZERO turns on its sidorizontally, like a frisbee, with the sole passenger “in a prone position” facing the ground. The firm is planning to start taking $5,000 deposits in the spring, and the total price is expected to be $250,000. 

4 Answers

+2 votes

Oh boy! That's gonna make some nasty traffic jams! :D

+3 votes
Looks compact!
Can it hold the battery to fly longer?
+2 votes

Um... haven't we had flying saucers for about 80 years now?

+1 vote

Your post brings a breath-taking peek into the future, SFA...a future which seems to be coming around as early as the spring, when they begin taking the $5K deposits!


Yeah....the future is here.

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